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Apr 28, 2019

Successful people are problem solvers by nature. They understand the way to bring more success into their lives and create better opportunities comes down to the value they bring to their company, the people around them and the outside world in general. They’re always willing to step up, they pay attention to details,...

Apr 15, 2019

Doubt, criticism, negativity and lack of support are all part of the journey. So many people fail to recognize this fact and allow it to impact them unfavorably when confronted with it, failing to recognize the value and opportunity present. The doubt and negative criticism others project on to those who are making...

Apr 8, 2019

Adversity is essential for growth & necessary for optimal human development. Sadly, most will run away or shut down at the first indication of discomfort, often letting the adversity & pressure from a single area of life, contaminate every other area, putting their lives in an out of control tail spin! Like it or not,...

Apr 4, 2019

Excuses hold us back from reaching our full potential, are self sabotaging, make others lose respect for us and us to lose respect for ourselves. When we make excuses for our failures, mistakes or as a reason to justify why we aren’t where we want to be, we hard wire our minds to actually start accepting these...