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Dec 2, 2019

Using the Holiday Season as an excuse to justify complacency is disrespectful to the magic and power this time of year brings. 

With December here there's good vibes brought on by gratitude, love, generosity, friends, family, gift giving and holiday parties.

Unfortunately, hidden in plain sight amongst all of these great things also lies complacency, the killer of all things success.

Complacency over the holiday season is tough to identify because we're distracted by holiday festivities and most of those around us are deviating off the path or lowering their own standards as well. But with the holiday season spanning over the course of 2 months, it can be crippling to enter a new year having ended the year with a loss. 

The holiday season is not an excuse to stop working on achieving our goals. In fact, to really experience the magic of the holiday season, it should be the opposite; an excuse to step it up!

In episode 34, Chris focuses in on how the holidays can breed complacency. He provides some valuable perspective and challenges us to use the holiday season as an opportunity to go harder to put an exclamation point on 2019 and begin the New Year with some steam!